
How To Get Rid Of Ringworm With Bleach

How To Get Rid Of Ringworm

Are you wondering how to get rid of ringworm fast?

In this article, you are just about to discover the best home remedies for ringworm.

We have also researched the best medicines and medical treatments for ringworm.

Don't panic or be frustrated over the skin itches and red patches.

Quickly and naturally getting rid of ringworm is our top priority.

If you have no patience to carry out the home remedies, certainly, you can get well with over-the-counter medicines for ringworms.

You can get fast relief from this fungal infection on the skin in 24 hours with some of the best remedies we have in this post.

What Is Ringworm?

Ringworm, also known as tinea or dermatophytosis, is a fungal infection of the skin.

Surprisingly, the name "ringworm" is a misnomer; the fungus is responsible for dermatophytosis, not a worm.

Both humans and animals get tinea.

Common types of ringworm infection in humans are:

  • the skin on the body (tinea corporis),
  • the scalp (tinea capitis),
  • the feet (tinea pedis, or "athlete's foot"),
  • the groin (tinea cruris, or "jock itch").

The ringworm infection may affect the skin on the scalp, feet, groin, beard, or other areas.

Symptoms Of Ringworm

Symptoms of ringworm vary according to the area and type of fungal infection.

Common symptoms are (1,2):

  • blisters like patches with or without oozing;
  • red, scaly, itchy, or raised patches;
  • reddish dotted patches that resemble a ring;
  • hair loss in the infected area;
  • thickened, discolored, and cracked nails (dermatophytosis infection);
  • raised and defined patches with edges.

Common Causes Of Ringworm

A fungus is responsible for ringworm infection on the skin, nails, and scalp.

Different type of fungi causes each type of fungal infection.

Three different types of fungus are responsible for ringworm infection in humans; Microsporum, Trichophyton, and epidermophyton (3,4).

These fungi live in the soil as spores for a long period of time.

Fungal infection takes place when humans or animals come in direct contact with fungus residing in the soil.

Ringworm infection can also spread from an affected person to someone else via direct contact.

Sharing the same clothes, bed, toilet, towel, or plates promotes the easy spreading of ringworm.

How To Get Rid Of Ringworm?

I'm sure that you love to learn how to remove ringworm as fast as possible.

Rashes on the skin caused by fungal infections are uncomfortable and irritating.

It is easy to heal and totally remove dermatophytosis infections on the skin.

Treating the infection at the initial stages gives the fastest result in overcoming this issue.

The best methods to remove ringworm are:

  • Medical treatments under the guidance of a physician;
  • Prescription medicines;
  • Over-the-counter remedies like creams, lotions, or powder;
  • Natural home remedies;
  • Preventive care.

Medicines And Medical Treatments For Ringworm

It is convenient and easy to use prescription medicines and medical treatment to heal fungal infections on the skin.

People who live a busy life may find it difficult to follow with home remedies for ringworm as such remedies require time, convenience, and patience.

Most patients prefer over-the-counter remedies to deal with tinea infection.

Here are 3 medical treatment options for getting rid of the infection on the skin caused by fungus.

1. Topical Applications

There are a variety of over-the-counter products like cream, sprays, lotions, gels, ointments, or powders for treating ringworm.

These are non-prescription antifungal topical applications that either contain synthetic or natural ingredients.

These topical treatment solutions usually contain antifungal properties like miconazole econazole, photo zine, clotrimazole, terbinafine, or naftifine.

They work well for containing fresh and mild fungal infections. Up to 4 weeks of regular use may be required for the complete removal of the infection.

Make sure to wash and clean the infected area with antifungal soap and clean water before you apply the topical solution.

2. Oral Drugs

Stubborn and severe fungal infection on the skin may not go away fast with topical application of antifungal creams or lotions.

If the ringworm does not go away after 2 weeks of topical treatments, then your physician may recommend antifungal pills.

Commonly prescribed pills for fungal infections are Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Fluconazole, or Itraconazole.

Usually, the doctor prescribes the simultaneous use of topical creams and pills to get fast relief from this skin infection caused by fungus.

Carry out the medical treatments for ringworm as recommended by the doctor or as per the instruction on the medicine package.

3. Antifungal Shampoos

Antifungal shampoos are used for treating ringworm infection on the scalp.

These medicated shampoos usually contain antifungal ingredients like ketoconazole and selenium sulfide.

Most brands of antifungal shampoos usually recommend a thorough cleaning of the scalp with the shampoo twice or thrice a week for best results.

Using antifungal shampoo alone may not suffice to get rid of ringworms on the scalp; use oral pills and topical application of antifungal creams or lotions besides the shampoo treatment.

DIY Care For Ringworm

It is important to perform certain DIY care and precautions to prevent the spreading and faster healing of ringworms.

Here are a few valuable tips in this regard:

1. Keep The Infected Skin Aerated

Do not keep the fungus-infected area covered or bandaged as this locks the moisture and heat. It can slow down the healing and increase itching and swelling.

Instead, wear loose-fitting breathable clothes to keep the infected area well aerated. This promotes faster healing of ringworms and also blocks the possibility of spreading.

2. Change And Wash Bedding Daily

Fungal spores get lodged on your pillow covers and sheets of bedding.

To prevent the spread of ringworms to other areas of your body and others, it is necessary to wash your sheets, and pillow covers daily.

It is best to wash the sheets and dresses in hot water to ensure the instant elimination of fungus from them.

3. Use Antifungal Shampoo And Soap

Ringworm infection on the scalp which causes patches of hair loss, severe itching, scalp boils, and dandruff can best be controlled by using an antifungal shampoo.

Wash the hair and scalp thrice a week with an antifungal shampoo.

There are also antifungal soaps that you can regularly use for washing and cleaning the ringworms-affected area. This helps in faster healing and prevents the spread of this fungal infection.

4. Change Wet Inner Garments And Socks

Ringworms develop on the feet if you continue to wear wet or moistened socks continuously for many hours.

Similarly, fungal infections in the groin area can happen by wearing wet underwear for many hours.

If you sweat a lot during the day, make sure to bathe with an antifungal cleansing bar and then reapply your antifungal lotion or powder on the body.

Change your socks and undergarments if they are soaked in sweat.

It is better to change the socks and underwear after 12 hours of wearing.

5. Include Antifungal Foods In Your Diet

You are prone to acquire fungal infections like ringworms, Candida, nail fungus, cold, flu, and others when you have a weak immune system.

There are excellent antifungal foods that can improve your immunity to fight off fungal infections.

Coconut oil, garlic, onions, seaweed, Ruta-Gaba, ginger, olive oil, lemons and limes, pumpkin seeds, and cayenne pepper are some of the best antifungal foods you may include in your daily diet.

Herbal And Natural Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Ringworm

Many people have very sensitive skin that may not tolerate the harsh chemical properties in antifungal creams or lotions.

It is safe and best to use natural and herbal home remedies to overcome fungal infections like ringworm on the skin.

However, finding the right home remedy that works on your skin is a little arduous task.

All DIY treatments also demand a lot of perseverance and patience from the user.

The healing process with herbal home remedies may take a little longer period than the harsh prescription medicines to produce the result.

It is worth using natural remedies because of their soothing effect on the skin.

Here are the 9 best natural remedies for removing ringworm infection from your skin, nail, or scalp.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a time-tested traditional remedy for healing and getting rid of fungal infections on the skin, nails, and scalp.

ACV is acidic which makes it more and more difficult for the fungus to survive.

For skin fungus or yeast, apply a 25/75 mixture of ACV and water.

Apply diluted ACV (raw and organic) with a cotton ball on the infected area thrice a day till the ringworm infections totally vanish.

If you do not have access to the ACV, you can also use white vinegar instead.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains potent antifungal and antiseptic properties that can easily fight off the ringworm infection.

Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of water. Apply the diluted tea tree oil with a cotton ball on the ringworm affected area of the body.

Repeat the application of the oil three times a day for the best results.

Using a blend of lavender and tea tree oil is most effective for fast healing of dermatophytosis, or dermatomycosis.

3. Skin Bleach

Skin bleaching is effective for the elimination of fungal infections on the skin.

Skin bleaching products that contain hydrogen peroxide work best for healing ringworm.

You can use any of the good over-the-counter skin or facial bleaching products.

Leave the bleach on the infected skin for at least 6-8 hours or overnight. Repeat the treatment at least thrice a week for best results.

4. Garlic Extract

Ajoene is an antifungal compound naturally found in garlic.

Applying garlic paste or extract on the ringworm rashes can effectively heal and eliminate the fungus.

Crush a few cloves of garlic into paste form and apply the paste directly to the fungus-infected part of the body.

This treatment is more effective when you make a blend of garlic paste and 1 teaspoon each olive oil and honey.

Apply this mixture three times a day for fast healing and removal of ringworm.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains natural properties that can resist the attacks of fungus and bacteria on the skin.

Apply the fresh Aloe Vera gel on the ringworm affected area and let the gel stay overnight on the rashes.  You can wash it off in the morning preferably with an antifungal soap.

Repeat the treatment daily; within a week this treatment may remove the rashes and prevent the spreading of infection.

6. Coconut Oil

Lauric acid present in coconut oil is an excellent natural remedy for defending the skin against fungal attacks.

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil help kill the common species of fungi by dissolving the outer cell membrane.

Apply virgin coconut oil to the fungus-infected skin area three times a day. You also allow the applied coconut oil to stay overnight on the rashes.

Coconut oil treatment for fungal infections can effectively remove the ringworm after two weeks of regular use.

7. Jojoba And Lavender Oil

A blend of lavender and jojoba oil is effective for treating ringworms, especially for babies and children.

Lavender oil kills the fungus and reduces the skin irritation caused by the infection.

Jojoba oil contains very effective medicinal properties that help heal the rashes on the skin very fast.

Add a few drops of lavender oil in 1 teaspoon jojoba oil and apply this blend of oils to ringworm-affected skin.

Repeat the application 3 times a day till the fungal infection is totally healed and got rid of.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric paste is a commonly used natural remedy for managing several common skin problems.

Turmeric contains antifungal and antibiotic properties that may help in getting rid of the fungus that causes ringworm.

Applying turmeric paste on ringworm infected area of the skin help heal the rashes fast. Use powder or fresh turmeric to make a paste by adding water as required.

Repeat the treatment thrice a day. It may take two to three weeks of regular treatment to get complete relief from the fungal infection and rashes.

9. Myrrh

Myrrh is a fantastic option for treating many skin issues including ringworm.

Myrrh essential oil contains an antifungal and astringent compound that works well to treat fungal infections on the skin.

Add a few drops of myrrh essential oil to a teaspoon of water and apply the mixture to the fungally infected area of the skin.

For better results, you may also mix a few drops of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) extract with myrrh essential oil.

Using Myrrh solution to rinse ringworm rashes may give fast relief from itching and irritation.

Apply the blend of Myrrh essential oil, and Goldenseal extracts on the infected region thrice a day for the fast healing of ringworm.

How To Prevent Ringworm?

Being careful with personal hygiene and adopting healthy cleanliness habits can prevent the occurrence of tinea infection to a great extent.

Ringworm is a highly contagious infection, and so it is important to adopt precautionary measures to prevent its spreading.

Here are a few important tips for preventing ringworm:

  • Clean your feet and hand after working or walking in the loose soil;
  • Wash your hands after you have touched an animal (including pet dogs and cats);
  • Do not have physical contact with humans or animals with ringworm infection;
  • Do not share the clothes, hairbrush, or things used by the infected person;
  • Keep your feet clean and dry especially after you return from an open soil field;
  • Have a bath regularly and use antifungal soap when you sense the possibility of fungal infection;
  • Avoid scratching the ringworm infected area to prevent spreading it;
  • Change your inner garments and socks daily or when they are wet;
  • Stay away from pet animals with ringworm till the infection healed;
  • Start the right treatments as soon as you notice ringworm infection;
  • Complete the full course of medicine to eliminate the fungus from the skin or scalp
  • Eat antifungal food to improve your immunity against fungus.


How To Get Rid Of Ringworm With Bleach


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